As I walked through the school entrance on my second day at EMPAC, a sense of familiarity and excitement filled me. The warm welcome I received from the receptionist affirmed that I was now part of the EMPAC family. With renewed enthusiasm, I made my way to my designated classroom, eager to continue my journey into the world of IT.

The day began with a delightful surprise – Sir Redeemer, our enthusiastic lecturer from the previous day, was there to continue our exploration of graphic design. This time, he was diving into the practical aspect, showing us how to create stunning graphics using Microsoft Word. I couldn't believe that on just my second day at EMPAC, I would already be delving into hands-on design work.

Sir Redeemer's teaching style was engaging and hands-on. He patiently guided us through the intricacies of graphic design using the familiar Microsoft Word interface. He started with the basics, explaining how to choose the right fonts, colors, and layouts to create visually appealing designs. Step by step, he demonstrated the tools and techniques needed to craft eye-catching graphics.

I, who had known nothing about graphic design just a day before, found myself not only grasping the concepts but also creating my own graphics. It was truly exhilarating to see my creativity come to life on the computer screen. Under Sir Redeemer's guidance, I learned to manipulate shapes, images, and text to convey my ideas visually.

Below are some designs I did on my second day

As the day progressed, I couldn't help but marvel at the rapid progress I was making. The empowering feeling of having acquired a new skill in such a short time was invigorating. It was a testament to the quality of instruction and the supportive learning environment at EMPAC.

By the end of the day, I had designed several graphics, each one more refined than the last. I left the classroom with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound passion for graphic design. My second day at EMPAC had not only deepened my understanding of the subject but had also ignited a spark of creativity within me that I couldn't wait to nurture in the days to come.

As I headed home, I was filled with gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow at EMPAC. My journey was just beginning, and I looked forward to each new day, knowing that it held the promise of even more exciting discoveries and creative adventures in the world of graphic design.